Dance Team
Our dance team proudly boasts varieties of Korean traditional dance from the fan dance to Samgomu and many more.
Striving to show the beauty and uniqueness of our Korean culture, we occasionally collaborate with the Samulnori team to show a beautiful collage of different dances.
Fan Dance is a group dance mainly performed by women, holding traditional Korean fans. The fan dance offers a glimpse into nature through its representation of the sun, air, and natural materials.
Traditional Korean dancing has been performed since ancient times; dancers would often entertain a wide range of people starting from royalty to townspeople.
By performing our dances to the community, we can show off and spread our Korean culture and pride.
Seogochum team performing with these sogos, a small hand drum used to give life to their choreography as they dance elegantly throughout the stage. Sogo dance originated from Nong ak, which is played to pray for a good harvest and to applaud the farmers hard work. Please give a round of applause to our seogochum team.
Samgomu means “three drum dance.” Drum dancers will play with three drums hanging on separate frames while presenting a dance filled with energy with various beats and gestures. Despite the tough backbends and acrobatics, they always smile to show their best.