Our History
January 19th: Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Bazaar
January 25th: Hayward Public Library Lunar New Year Show
February 8th: OMCA Lunar New Year Celebration
February 3rd: Lunar New Year Celebration at Hayward Public Library
February 17th: Oakland Museum of California Lunar New Year Celebration
March 10th: Stanford White Plaza Korean Cultural Event
April 20th: Korean Cultural Festival / 10th Hansamo Showcase & Award Night
May 26th: San Ramon Art & Wind Festival / Hansamo Year-end & Senior Send-off Party
August 10th: Pistahan Festival Parade in San Francisco
September 6th: East Bay 5th Korean Day Festival in Oakland
September 14th: KCI Bay Area Chuseok Festival in SF Presidio
November 3rd: Korean Cultural Performance in Livermore Public Library
November 16th: KECSF 한글 Art & UCC Contest Award Ceremony
December 6th: Support for PVA Kimbap Event
December 8th: Hansamo at 2024 Karl Gala Dinner
December 21st: Making Smiles Project
January 22nd: Lunar New Year Celebration at Bishop Ranch City Center
January 29th: Oakland Museum of California Lunar New Year Celebration
2023 the 2nd Hansamo Hangul Essay & Art Contest (1/16 ~ 3/4)
April 8th: Korean Cultural Festival / 9th Hansamo Showcase & Award Night
April 22nd: Stanford White Plaza Korean Cultural Event
EndoUnite Project with Hansamo
September 30th: KCI Bay Area Chuseok Festival
October 15th: San Ramon Culture in the Community Festival
November 5th: Korean Cultural Event in Livermore Public Library
November 15th: Pleasanton Virtual Academy 한국어반 김밥만들기 지원
November 15th: Korean President in America Meeting
December 1st: 한사모 신임 오연수 회장 취임
December 2nd: Nanta Performance at 2023 HANGUL ART CONTEST & KOREA UCC CONTEST
December 7th: Meeting at California High School for Korean Class Open
December 16th: Farewell for Consul General Yoon
December 22nd: Making Smiles Project
January: 한사모 신임 이선령 회장 취임
February: Performing at Lunar New Year Celebration at Bishop Ranch City Center
2022 the 1st Hansamo Hangul Essay & Art Contest (2/1 ~ 4/10)
May 15th: Korean Cultural Festival / 8th Hansamo Showcase & Award Night
May 29th: : San Ramon Art & Wind Festival performance /
Hansamo Year-end , Senior send-off party
August: Hansasmo Summer Camp
September 10th: KCI SF Bay Area Chuseok Festival
September 24th: SF Bay Area Comfort Women Memorial 5th Anniversary
October 16th: San Ramon Culture in the Community Festival
November 13th: Korean Cultural Event in Livermore Civic Center Library
December 3rd: Nanta Performance at 2022 Hangul Art Contest & Korea UCC Contest Award
May: Annual Showcase and Award Night, Virtual Online Streaming
May: Performing at San Ramon Art & Wind Festival
September: Speech and interviewing at the 4th Annual Comfort Women Memorial
September: event media coverage of Hanbok Fashion Shows
October: Performing at Reno Taekwondo Competition
October: Performing at San Ramon Culture in the Community Celebration
October: Performing at 29th Korean Day in San Francisco
November: PVA (Pleasanton Virtual Academy) Korean class Korean Food and Game Day support
December: Hansamo Dance and Nanta team performed to celebrate the spreading of Hangul by amazing arts and UCCs.
November: San Ramon Cultural Festival Streaming (Virtual) 공연
June: COVID 19 Thank you Our Medical Heroes Project
February: Annual Showcase and Award Night, Hansamo Showcase at Performance Art Center
January: KCCU Annual Performance - Arirang performance
January: Legacy Honoring the leaders of Taekwondo
March: Hansamo Annual Showcase and Award night at Performance Art Center
May: Korean Art Exhibition Opening Ceremony
May: San Ramon Art & Wind Festival
September: Culture in the community celebration - City of San Ramon
February: Korean Cultural Showcase and Award Night, Hansamo Showcase, Sam Go Mu team is created
March: St. Patrick’s Parade
May: Maya Bazaar Festival, Art and Wind Festival
August: Nanta team is created
September: 6th Annual Korean Traditional Music & Arts Competition, Samulnori won middle/high school category award, Samgomu talent award, performance at the school
A’s Game Korean Heritage Night
Art and Wind Festival
San Francisco Cultural Festival
San Ramon Cultural Festival
Ko-Am @ Stockton Bansuk Presbyterian Church
January: DVHS 한국어반 스킵준비반 구성, 한사모 사물놀이 및 장구팀 신입생 접수 및 오리엔테이션
February: DVHS교직원 설날맞이 점심, 산라몬 한사모 홈페이지 개설
March:한사모 기금마련 한국장 개설
May: A’s Game Korean Heritage Night opening, Samulnori and Janggu team performance at San Ramon Wind Festival
June:오클랜드 A’s와 ‘한국문화의 날’ 개최
September:한사모 사물놀이팀이 KCCU 5th Annual Performance 길놀이로 참여
October: Samulnori team participates in Tri Valley KPA Korean Culture Festival
November: Participated in a heritage night at Windemere Ranch Middle School
December: DVHS Korean Club과 함께 1회 Korean Motion Emotion 한사모의 밤 개최
Dougherty Valley High School 한국어반 스킵 테스트 대비반 구성하여 교육
Dougherty Valley High School 한국어반 Academic Booster 지원
Oakland A’s 야구장에서 추신수 선수를 응원하자는 취지로 북가주 한인들을 모집하여 응원
산라몬 지역 학부모를 위한 세미나 개최
산라몬 지역 학생들 대상으로 Korean Cultural Dance & Music 개최
Dougherty Valley High School 한국어 반 지원을 위한 기금마련 골프대회 개최
Tri Valley KPA행사에 한사모 사물놀이 찬조출연
December: Contra Cost School District Super Advisor Mrs.Anderson이 수여한 한사모 장학금 수여및 봉사상 수여식
March:한사모 사물놀이팀 창단,도허티밸리 고등학교에서 창단식
April:사물놀이팀도허티밸리 고등학교 Multi Cultural Festival에 참가
May:사물놀이팀 산라몬 아트 & 윈드 페스티벌에서 공연
June:심형구 한사모 2대회장 선출
August:한사모기금 마련 SF총영사배 골프대회 개최
September:SF총영사관주최 Fanta-Stic 초청공연 주관
December:2회 한사모 장학금 수여식
윈드미어 중학교에서 열린 Heritage Night에 참가
도허티밸리 고등학교 한국어반 샌프란시스코 소재 Asians Art Museum 체험학습 지원
March:도허티밸리 고등학교에서 산라몬지역 학부모 대상 설명회 개최, A.S.I.A.한국인 입양인 기금마련 콘서트 “나도 한국이 알고 싶어요” 후원
April:도허티밸리 고등학교 한국어반 Field Trip지원, 한사모기자단 SF총영사관 방문
May:도허티밸리 고등학교에서 ‘한국문화축제’개최
October:제 2회 한사모 기금마련 SF 총영사배 골프대회 개최
December:제 1회 한사모 장학금 및 봉사상수여식-캔디스 앤더슨 콘트라코스타 카운티 수퍼바이저 수여
March: 산라몬 도허티밸리 고등학교 학부모 모임 결성
June: 도허티밸리 고등학교 한국어반 개설 확정, 강상철 한사모 초대회장 취임
July: 제1회 한사모 기금마련 SF총영사배 골프대회 개최
September: 산라몬 한국어 사랑모임으로 명칭 변경 및 조직확대
November: 산라몬한사모 기자단 출범
December: 산라몬한사모 공식로고 선정(도허티밸리고교 길버트 차군)12월: 무형문화재 고성 오광대 탈춤 전수자 초청하여 도허티밸리 고등학교에서 공연