HANSAMO Brings Korean Tradition to Oakland Chinatown Lunar New Year Bazaar

On Sunday, January 19, 2025, Hansamo proudly represented the Korean community at the Chinatown Lunar New Year Bazaar by performing Pungmulnori. This annual event showcased diverse performance teams, highlighting the cultural traditions and art forms of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and other cultures connected to the Lunar New Year holiday. 

 Hansamo’s Pungmulnori captivated the audience with its dynamic and grand sounds and movements. From the moment the team appeared in their vibrant traditional attire and began playing their instruments, a crowd gathered around the stage, drawn by the lively rhythms. As the performance progressed, the infectious beats and dynamic choreography immersed the audience in the vibrant spirit of Korean tradition.

This year, Hansamo introduced new choreography and a more dynamic repertoire of sounds and rhythms, making the performance even more engaging. A particularly memorable moment came when the beona (spinning plates) act took center stage. The audience was invited to join in, trying their hand at spinning the plates, which created an interactive and joyful connection between the performers and audiences.  

Hansamo's performance not only celebrated the beauty of Korean culture but also fostered harmony and unity among the diverse communities that gathered to celebrate the Lunar New Year.