1. Student Volunteering Hour Check-In/Out System https://forms.gle/6bDz6q3zHdgCnpHs9
An Honor System: Students to use the link above to enter the check-in/out date and time before or after the event (practice, performance, meeting, and activities)
Recommend to enter after the event is completed to record actual total hours. Please enter an increment of 15 mins.
Performance and any external activities, total hours include the traveling hours. For regular meetings and practice, the hours of the event only will be applied.
For status check (Oct, Dec, Feb, & May): Up-to-Date recorded hours will be communicated to confirm.
At the end of each semester, the validated and confirmed hours will be communicated with students and parents.
2. Parent Volunteering Hour Check-In/Out System https://forms.gle/4PnjJnNBNXDFVAw57
It is mandatory to fulfill 15 hours/year. If the volunteer hours are not completed, a prorated amount of $150.00 will be charged based on the hours not served
An Honor System: Parents to use the link above to enter the check-in/out date and time before or after the event (Performance, bazaar, meeting, and activities)
Recommend to enter after the event is completed to record actual total hours. Please enter an increment of 15 mins.
Performance and any external activities, total hours include the traveling hours. For regular meetings and practice, the hours of the event only will be applied
We encourage parents to provide us any potential volunteering ideas to enhance our students’ life experience and promote Hansamo’s presence in our community.